

Node Reference

See the protobuf definitions in the synapse-api repo for the most complete reference.

Electrical BroadbandSource
Optical BroadbandSource
Electrical StimulationSink
Optical StimulationSink
Spike DetectInterstitial
Spectral FilterInterstitial
Stream OutSink
Stream InSource

Electrical Broadband

Outputs broadband electrophysiology data from electrodes as a collection of channels with the same data rate. Electrical Broadband nodes are often paired with a Spectral Filter node followed by a Spike Detect node to downsample the signal to a more manageable size for streaming purposes.

Config Description
peripheral_idThe ID of the peripheral that supports the node.
channelsA list of channels with a message containing the channel ID, the measuring electrode ID, and the reference electrode ID.
bit_widthThe number of bits to represent the broadband measurement.
sample_rateThe number of samples per second in Hz.
gainMultiplies the amplitude of the inputted signal by the set value.
low_cutoff_hzAttenuates the amplitude of any signals below set frequency.
high_cutoff_hzAttenuates the amplitude of any signals above set frequency.

Optical Broadband

Outputs broadband optical data from photodiodes as a collection of channels with the same data rate.

Config Description
peripheral_idThe ID of the peripheral that supports the node.
channelsA list of channels with a message containing the channel ID, the measuring electrode ID, and the reference electrode ID.
bit_widthThe number of bits to represent the broadband measurement.
sample_rateThe number of samples per second in Hz.
lsbTranslates the signal into voltage in µV/unit.

Electrical Stim

Accepts input data to stimulate through electrodes.

Config Description
peripheral_idThe ID of the peripheral that supports the node.
pixel_maskA list of IDs of active pixels.
bit_widthThe number of bits to represent the broadband measurement.
sample_rateThe number of samples per second in Hz.
gainMultiplies the amplitude of the inputted signal by the set value.

Optical Stimulation

Accepts input data to stimulate through LEDs.

Config Description
peripheral_idThe ID of the peripheral that supports the node.
pixel_maskA list of IDs of active pixels.
bit_widthThe number of bits to represent the broadband measurement.
sample_rateThe number of samples per second in Hz.
gainMultiplies the amplitude of the inputted signal by the set value.

Spectral Filter

Accepts an input and applies a basic frequency-domain filter.

Config Description
method low: Reduces the amplitude of any signal below the low_cutoff_hz frequency to zero.
high: Reduces the amplitude of any signal above the high_cutoff_hz frequency to zero.
bandpass: Reduces the amplitude of any signal outside the range of low_cutoff_hz to high_cutoff_hz frequency to zero.
bandstop: Reduces the amplitude of any signal inside the range of low_cutoff_hz to high_cutoff_hz frequency to zero.
low_cutoff_hzLower frequency threshold in Hz.
high_cutoff_hzHigher frequency threshold in Hz.

Spike Detect

Accepts broadband neural data and detects action potentials (neural spikes) using a spike thresholding algorithm and outputs spike train data.

Config Description
modethreshold: Counts the number of times the absolute value of the inputted data crosses a set value within a set time period. Additionally, the threshold mode assumes a refractory period of ~1 ms between spikes.
threshold_uVThe cutoff value in µV that determines when the node classifies the signal as a spike.
bin_size_msThe length of time in ms before the spike count resets

Stream In

Represents a data stream that will be transferred from a host computer to a Synapse device.

Config Description
broadband data: High-speed digital data from multiple simultaneous data streams.
spiketrain: A sequence of time-stamped events representing the firing times of individual neurons.
timestamps: Date times of events.
image: Visual data captured from camera peripherals.

Stream Out

Represents a data stream that will be transferred from a Synapse device to a host computer.

Config Description
labelA string to tag the streamed data.
multicast_groupAn IP address in the multicast range ( to