
Electrical Interface

Electrical Interface

The Nixel 512™ chip runs on dual supply voltages of 1.2 V for digital blocks and 2.5 V for analog blocks. It uses 16-bit digital data paths internally and has four serial data ports with a 16:1 serialization ratio to send out the digital recording results. Each port has a dedicated word clock to indicate the word boundaries in the serial data stream.

 Diagram of the data interface of the Nixel 512 chip when driven by an FPGA.

The Nixel 512 chip has five digital inputs and twelve digital outputs (I/Os) connected to the world using 1.2 V CMOS I/O buffers and powered with the 1.2 V digital supply of the chip. The chip also has 3-bit general purpose data outputs (GPOs) that can be controlled over SPI if needed.

Digital I/Os

No. Input nameOutput nameTypeSpecification
1System rstb1.2V CMOS Input Active low asynchronous reset
2clkSystem clock, ≤ 160MHz, 50% duty cycle
34-wire SPI csnActive low chip select input for SPI
4sdinSerial data input for SPI
5sclkSerial clock for SPI, sclk freq = 1/4 of clk
6sdout1.2V CMOS Ouput Serial data output of SPI
7–10Serial data ports data_ser_out<3:0>Serial data port for digitized nixels
11–14wclk_ser_out<3:0>Word clock for serial data port
15–17Test / GPOdigtest_out<3:0>Digital test outputs, can be hooked to SPI

The Nixel 512 chip uses a 4-wire SPI interface to program and control the chip, with active low chip select (csn), serial data input (sdin), serial clock (sclk), and serial data output (sdout). SPI interface uses 32-bit words, composed of an 8-bit command (<31:24>), an 8-bit address (<23:16>), and an 16-bit data (<15:0>) and sends the most-significant-bit (MSB) first. Since SPI operates at the rising edge of sclk, csn and sdin are applied at the falling edge of the sclk. Likewise, sdout from the SPI will be updated at the rising edge of the sclk, therefore it should be captured by the external electronics at the falling edge of sclk.

SPI timing takes 32 sclk cycles to enter the 32-bit SPI words into the input shift register of the SPI when csn is LOW. When csn is HIGH, it takes an additional 16 sclk cycles for the SPI controller to decode the SPI commands and read or write to the SPI registers. Including this idle time, an SPI operation will take 48 sclk cycles to complete. It is suggested to generate sclk from clk with a clock division ratio of 4.

SPI timing diagram.

Prior to streaming out a window of nixels, a panel keeps wclk and data low. For each enabled nixel in a panel (based on the window register settings), the panel will send a word. Each word is prefixed by a wclk high pulse—the corresponding 16 bits are sent out starting when wclk goes low—the data bits are valid on the falling edge of the clk:

SPI timing diagram.

The last wclk will appear as:

SPI timing diagram.

The Nixel 512 chip supports clk frequencies up to 160 MHz, providing ADC sampling rates up to 12-bit resolution at 32 kHz sampling rate. In this case, ADC sampling time will be 31.25 μs, and the serial data stream for full resolution (64 nixels or 128 electrodes per panel) will only take 6.4 μs, which is less than 21% of the available ADC sampling time. In cases where 10-bit ADC resolution will be enough, a 40 MHz clk will be sufficient for the same 32 kHz ADC sampling. In this 32 kHz 10-bit ADC mode, serial data can be transmitted in 25.6 μs, which will correspond to about 82% of the available ADC sampling time. At clock frequencies less than ~33MHz, it will not be possible to maintain 32kHZ ADC sampling rate without decreasing the ADC resolution below 10-bit. If lower resolution is not an option, then the ADC sampling rate can be reduced to 16kHz or below to allow enough clock cycles for the single-slope type ADCs to perform ADC conversion. For example, 16 kHz ADC sampling with 10-bit resolution will be possible with clock frequencies just above 17 MHz.

Summary table

Power supplies and returns (grounds) Analog power vdda_bgBias generator supply2.5 V
vdda_lnaNixel LNA supply2.5 V
vdda_cmpNixel comparator supply2.5 V
Analog ground vssa_bgBias generator ground0.0 V
vssa_lnaNixel LNA ground0.0 V
vssa_cmpNixel comparator ground0.0 V
subSubstrate, ground0.0 V
Digital power dvdd2p5Level shifter supply2.5 V
dvddCore and I/O supply1.2 V
Digital ground dvssAll digital block, ground0.0 V
Power dissipation 32 KHz sampling 12-bit ADC resolution 160 MHz clk Analog≤ 22mW
Digital≤ 8mW
Total≤ 30mW
Power dissipation can be reduced to 15 mW at 16 kHz sampling with 10-bit ADC resolution with a 20 MHz clk
Digital I/Os 1.2V CMOS I/OsOutput impedance (fixed drive strength) ≤ 100 W
Outputs Capacitive only loads
High-speed data / test SPI output
≤ 10 pF, up to 160 MHz ≤ 40 pF, up to 40 MHz
System inputs rstb: active low reset input
clk: system clock, 50% duty cycle, 160 MHz (Rise-time = fall-time ≤ 25% of clk period, 1.56ns)
4-wire SPI csn: active low chip select, generated at falling sclk
sdin: serial data input, generated at falling sclk
sclk: serial clk (40 MHz, 1/4th of clk frequency)(Rise-time = fall-time ≤ 6.25 ns)
sdout: serial data output, sampled at falling sclk (Load for sdout ≤ 40 pF)
Serial data ports 160 Mbps at 160 MHz system clock Load for data ports ≤ 10 pF
Port-0data_ser_out<0> wclk_ser_out<0>
Port-1data_ser_out<1> wclk_ser_out<1>
Port-2data_ser_out<2> wclk_ser_out<2>
Port-3data_ser_out<3> wclk_ser_out<3>
Package Flip-chip CSP with Cu bumps 4 mm x 4 mm
Bump array / pitch 28 x 26724 Bumps (none on corners)140 µm
Cu bump composition 40 µm Cu + 20 µm SnAg
Die thickness 12 mil (~305 µm)
Active electrodes Active Reference Test
512 8 8
Input capacitance6.8 pF
Panel count 4 panels
One panel has 128 active electrodes, 2 reference, and 2 test electrodes
Neural interface elements (nixels) Selectable input configuration
Differential or single-ended operation
LNA + S/H + Comparator
Sample-and-hold (S/H)Ping-pong architecture, with dual analog memory
Comparator In-nixel digitization with comparator
Analog front-end of single-slope ADC
ADC parameters Single-slope-ADC, distributed architecture
User selectable resolution, 10–16-bit in resolution, ≤ 32 kHz in sampling
ADC Mode-0: Low resolution, high sample rate 10-bit @ 32 kHz sampling, 40 MHz clk
ADC Mode-1: High resolution, mid sample rate 12-bit @ 16 kHz sampling, 80 MHz clk
ADC Mode-2: High resolution, high sample rate 12-bit @ 32 kHz sampling, 160 MHz clk
ADC Mode-3: Very high resolution low sample rate 14-bit @ 8 kHz sampling, 160 MHz clk
ADC Mode-4: Ultra high resolution very low sample rate 16-bit @ 2kHz sampling, 160 MHz clk
Active electrodes Configurations TotalSpikeLFP
Differential, all for spike 51248032
Diff. spike, single ended LFP 49648016
Single ended spike, single ended LFP 25624016
Reference electrodes 2 external reference electrodes / panel Spike and LFP nixels have separate external reference electrode connections
2 external reference electrodes / chip
1 external reference electrodes / panel Single external reference electrode
Programmable internal reference Using internal DACs as reference
Analog drive On-chip bias generation Band-gap based programmable bias generation using voltage and current mode DACs
12-bit v-DACs (references and test signals)
7-bit i-DACs
Ramp generation for ADC Programmable ramp generation for ADC with variable slope and reset parameters
Digital drive Flexible and programmable operation of the chip Programmable static circuit configuration of analog and digital circuits in terms of connectivity
Programmable timing generation for nixels and ADCs to adjust resolution and conversion time
Command based operation of the chip
Address based programming over SPI
Programming interface Serial 4-wire SPI
32-bit SPI Words
8-bit command, 8-bit address, 16-bit data
“48 sclk cyles” per SPI operation
Test outputs Analog 2 Analog voltage test output pads to monitor on-chip generated biases and reference voltages pseudo-differentially
Voltage test outputs can be used to overwrite internally generated biases and references, including the global routing resources for reference and test electrodes used in the Nixel Array
1 test current output to monitor on-chip generated reference and i-DAC output current
Digital 3-bit digital test outputs to monitor internal digital signals can also be configured to work as general-purpose output pins controlled over SPI