


The Nixel 512™ chip measures 4 mm x 4 mm x 0.3 mm and uses chip scale packaging with Cu bumps. The 2D bump array counts 28 rows and 26 columns with 724 total bumps (no bumps on corners) and a uniform bump pitch of 140 µm.

Pin Specifications

Rows Col. Bump Name X (um) Y0 (um) Y1 (um) I/O Type ExplanationValue Note
A & B 1sub240100 240 Analog power/ ground Substrate0.0 V-
2vssa_bg380Ground / analog / bandgap0.0 V-
3vdda_bg520Supply / analog / bandgap2.5 V1.8–2.8 V adjustable
4vdda_lna660Supply / analog / LNA2.5 V-
5vssa_lna800Ground / analog / LNA0.0 V-
6vssa_cmp940Ground /analog / comparator0.0 V-
7vdda_cmp1080Supply / analog / comparator2.5 V-
8dvdd2p51220Supply / 2.5 V digital Blocks2.5 V-
9dvdd1360Supply / digital / core + IOs1.2 V-
10dvss1500Ground / digital / core + IOs0.0 V-
11sub1640Substrate0.0 V-
12vdda_lna1780Supply / analog / LNA2.5 V-
13vssa_lna1920Ground / analog / LNA0.0 V-
14vssa_cmp2060Ground /analog / comparator0.0 V-
15vdda_cmp2200Supply / analog / comparator2.5 V-
16dvdd2p52340Supply / 2.5V digital blocks2.5 V-
17dvdd2480Supply / digital / core + IOs1.2 V-
18dvss2620Ground / digital / core + IOs0.0 V-
19sub2760Substrate0.0 V-
20vdda_lna2900Supply / analog / LNA2.5 V-
21vssa_lna3040Ground / analog / LNA0.0 V-
22vssa_cmp3180Ground /analog / comparator0.0 V-
23vdda_cmp3320Supply / analog / comparator2.5 V-
24itest_out3460Current test pad / analog / bias generator0–32 µA sourcing (p-mirror)-
25vtest_out <0>3600Voltage test pad [0] / analog / bias generator0–2.5 V vDAC outputs-
26vtest_out <1>3740Voltage test pad [1] / analog / bias generator0–2.5 V vDAC outputs-
AG & AH 1sub2403740 3880 Digital power / ground / IOs Substrate0.0 V-
2dvss380Ground / digital / core + IOs0.0 V-
3dvdd520Supply / digital / core + IOs1.2 V-
4csn660CMOS (1.2) input: SPI chip select bar0–1.2 VFrom FPGA, at negedge sclk, 50 Ω series res
5sdin800CMOS (1.2) input: SPI data in0–1.2VFrom FPGA, at negedge sclk, 50 Ω series res
6sclk940CMOS (1.2) input: SPI clock0–1.2 V, fsclk = 1/4 fclk, ≤ 40 MHz, 50% DTCFrom FPGA, at negedge sclk, 50 Ω series res
7sdout1080CMOS (1.2) output: SPI data out0-1.2 VTo FPGA, at posedge sclk, 50 Ω series res
8rstb1220Active low asynch. reset0 - 1.2 VFrom FPGA, 50 or 20 Ω series res
9clk1360Input clock0 - 1.2 V, fclk ≤ 160 MHz, 50% DTCFrom FPGA, 50 or 20 Ω series res
10sub1500Substrate0.0 V-
11dvss1640Ground / digital / core + IOs0.0 V-
12dvdd1780Supply / digital / core + IOs1.2 V-
13data_ser<0>1920CMOS (1.2) output: serializer data output [0]SDR data rate, at rising edge clk, ≤ 160 MbpsTo FPGA, 50 or 20 Ω series res
14wclk_ser <0>2060CMOS (1.2) output: serializer word clock output [0]Frequency = 1/16 of SDR data rateTo FPGA, 50 or 20 Ω series res
15data_ser <1>2200CMOS (1.2) output: serializer data output [1]SDR data rate, at rising edge clk, ≤ 160 MbpsTo FPGA, 50 or 20 Ω series res
16wclk_ser <1>2340CMOS (1.2) output: serializer word clock output [1]Frequency = 1/16 of SDR data rateTo FPGA, 50 or 20 Ω series res
17data_ser <2>2480CMOS (1.2) output: serializer data output [2]SDR data rate, at rising edge clk, ≤ 160 MbpsTo FPGA, 50 or 20 Ω series res
18wclk_ser <2>2620CMOS (1.2) output: serializer word clock output [2]Frequency = 1/16 of SDR data rateTo FPGA, 50 or 20 Ω series res
19data_ser <3>2760CMOS (1.2) output: serializer data output [3]SDR data rate, at rising edge clk, ≤ 160 MbpsTo FPGA, 50 or 20 Ω series res
20wclk_ser <3>2900CMOS (1.2) output: serializer word clock output [3]Frequency = 1/16 of SDR data rateTo FPGA, 50 or 20 Ω series res
21sub3040Substrate0.0 V-
22dvss3180Ground / digital / core + IOs0.0 V-
23dvdd3320Supply / digital / Core + IOs1.2 V-
24digtest <0>3460CMOS (1.2) digital test output [0]0–1.2 VTo FPGA, 50 or 20 Ω series res
25digtest <1>3600CMOS (1.2) digital test output [1]0–1.2 VTo FPGA, 50 or 20 Ω series res
26digtest <2>3740CMOS (1.2) digital test output [2]0–1.2 VTo FPGA, 50 or 20 Ω series res

Labeled diagram of the Nixel 512 chip showing row and column identifiers for each copper bump.