
Electrical Interface

Electrical Interface

The Pixel A2K™ chip is fabricated with CMOS processes and runs on dual supply voltages of 5 V for column and row drivers and 1.8 V for digital core. The chip uses two external reference voltages (vref_low and vref_high) for the 1-bit v-DACs of the Column Drivers. It uses a standard 4-wire SPI interface to program and control the chip, with active low chip select (csn), serial data input (sdin), serial clock (sclk), and serial data output (sdout).

The chip measures only 1.33 mm x 1.33 mm and is designed for flip-chip packaging with small pads measuring 20 μm x 10 μm and a pitch of 30 μm. It has 12 I/O large and small pads on the left for power, ground, and digital control; 16 small pads on the top for even row drivers; 16 small pads on the bottom for odd row drivers; and 64 pads for column drivers on the right arranged into two columns. Small pads are for flip-chip assembly while large pads can be used for die probing. The large pads on the left of the chip measure 60 μm x 60 μm with an 80 μm pitch.

The Pixel A2K chip uses a standard 4-wire SPI interface to program and control the chip, with active low chip select (csn), serial data input (sdin), serial clock (sclk), and serial data output (sdout). The SPI interface uses 72-bit words composed of an 8-bit command (command<71:64>) and a 64-bit data (data<63:0>), it sends the most-significant-bit (MSB) first. Since SPI operates at the rising edge of sclk, csn and sdin are applied at the falling edge of the sclk. Likewise, sdout from the SPI will be updated at the rising edge of the sclk, therefore it should be captured by the external electronics at the falling edge of sclk.

SPI timing takes 72 sclk cycles to enter the 72-bit SPI words into the input shift register of the SPI when csn is LOW. When csn is HIGH, it takes an additional 8 sclk cycles for the SPI controller to decode the SPI commands and write to the SPI registers or execute applied soft commands. Including this idle time, an SPI operation will take at least 80 sclk cycles to complete.

SPI timing diagram

The SPI write operation is practically instantaneous as it can be completed in 5 μs at a clock frequency of 16 MHz or a frame update time of 160 μs. The Pixel A2K chip can support frame rates from 2500 fps down to 25 fps, with corresponding frame times ranging from 0.4 ms up to 40 ms. For example, the ratio of available exposure time to total frame time will be 99.6% of a practical frame rate of 25 fps and only 96% when the frame rate is set to 250 fps.

Summary Table

Power supplies and returns (grounds) High voltage powerdvdd_5vSupply for Row, Column Drivers 5.0 V
Low voltage powerdvddSupply for digital core 1.8 V
Ground dvssGround return for supplies 0.0 V
subSubstrate 0.0 V
Power dissipation 60 fps, 16 MHz sclk Analog≤ 0.30 mW, 100 pF column load, 64 columns, 5 V operation
Digital≤ 0.05 mW
Total≤ 0.35 mW
Analog inputs vref_highHigh reference voltage for v-DACs, 2.5 V ≤ vref_high ≤ 5 V
vref_lowLow reference voltage for v-DACs, 0 V ≤ vref_low ≤ 2.5 V
Digital I/Os 4-wire SPI 1.8V CMOS I/Os
csnActive low chip select, generated at falling sclk
sdinSerial data input, generated at falling sclk
sclkSerial clk (≤ 16 MHz, Tr=Tf ≤ 15 ns)
sdoutSerial data output, sampled at falling sclk, load 20 pF
External row timingrowProvides global row timing
Pads Row Drivers Top16 small padsEven rowsFor flip-chip 20 µm x 10 µm with 30 µm pitch
Bot16 small padsOdd rows
Column DriversLeft64 small padsTwo columns
CMOS I/Os Right 12 small pads12 x (2x3)
12 large pads12 x 1For probing 60 µm x 60 µm with 80 µm pitch
PackageChip-scale-packageSuitable for flip-chip bonding (by default bare dies w/o bumps)

Technical Specifications

Product typeDisplay driverActive
Resolution64 x 322K pixels
Design size1.33 mm x 1.33 mm12 mil thick (~305 µm)
CMOS technology180 nm high voltage CMOS5 V and 1.8 V active devices
Supply voltages High voltage5.0 V, row and column drivers
Low voltage1.8 V (core logic)
Column driver Voltage mode driver64 columns, v-DAC per column
DAC resolution1-bit
High / low levelsExternally provided by vref_low and vref_low
Power-downPer column
Row driver Voltage mode drive 32 rows, 5 V CMOS
Odd and even
Reference inputs Voltage vref_high, high level for 1-bit v-DACs, 2.5 V ≤ vref_high ≤ 5.0 V
vref_low, low level for 1-bit v-DACs, 0 V ≤ vref_low ≤ 2.5 V
Digital I/Os 4-wire SPI 1.8 V CMOS
csnActive low chip select, generated at falling sclk
sdinSerial data input, generated at falling sclk
sclkSerial clk (≤ 16 MHz, Tr=Tf ≤ 15 ns)
sdoutSerial data output, sampled at falling sclk, load 20 pF
I/O Pad Count Probing12 Power and I/Os for probing only 60 µm x 60 µm, pitch = 80 µm
Flip-chip Power and I/Os for flip-chip. 3 x 2 small pads per signal. Pad size = 20 µm x 10 µm, pitch = 30 µm
64 Column Drive
32 rows x 2 columns
Pad size = 20 µm x 10 µm, pitch = 30 µm
32 Row Drive
16 rows top and bottom
Pad size = 20 µm x 10 µm, pitch = 30 µm
Package Chip-scale packageSuitable for flip-chip packaging
Die size1.33 mm x 1.33 mm
Die thickness12 mil (~305 µm)