


Version 1.06 - 9/27/23

  • An additional mask to mask design rule added to explain the relationship between the METAL1 and OUTLINE1 masking levels.
  • GDS numbers for the OUTLINE2 and TAB masking levels swapped to better match natural assumptions.
  • Added information about double patterning options.

Version 1.04 - 8/10/23

  • Mask to mask design rule C changed to more accurately describe the alignment tolerance between masks rather than layers. This is a purely textual change and does not indicate a change to the process itself.

Version 1.03 - 7/10/23

  • Process step 7 now correctly shows that the resist is patterned with the OUTLINE1 mask. This is a purely textual change and does not indicate a change to the process itself.

Version 1.02 - 5/4/23

  • Process step 10 now correctly shows that the etches of the OUTLINE1 and VIA masking levels occur simultaneously. This is a purely textual change and does not indicate a change to the process itself.

Version 1.01 - 4/3/23

  • Full explanation of connective tabs added.
  • Full explanation of release area mechanics added.

Version 1.0 - 3/10/23

  • Initial document release.