Access detailed Pixel 2K product specifications, including information about its architecture, electrical interface, packaging, and downloadable resources.
DocumentationThe Pixel 2K is a low-power active LED driver with 1-bit brightness control capable of delivering optogenetic stimulation to orders of magnitude more neurons than electrode-based stimulation methods. Its ultra-small footprint, rapid refresh rate, and low power consumption enable a wide range of advanced in-vivo and in-vitro applications.
Designed for microLED arrays with integrated thin-film transistor networks, the Pixel2k is an active display driver designed for true single-pixel addressing. Containing circuitry to drive 2048 electrodes in merely 1.77 mm2, the Pixel 2K packs full functionality into the size of a pinhead.
Access detailed Pixel 2K product specifications, including information about its architecture, electrical interface, packaging, and downloadable resources.
Documentation32 Row drivers x 64 Column drivers
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Science Corporation provides Pixel 2K chips to select academic, research, and commercial collaborators. If you have an interesting application for our technology in neuroscience or beyond, learn more about collaborating with Science Corporation.
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