Science Foundry is a commercial foundry providing comprehensive MEMS fabrication support
Accelerate your project from imagination to reality.
We collaborate with our customers to solve complex technical challenges, from prototype to production. We lower up-front costs to innovate and get through development cycles faster.

Science Foundry is an innovative and collaborative development partner
We work with a range of customers developing new designs and processes that can be robustly scaled to mass production. Unlike other commercial foundries, we are excited to collaborate on the development of early stage processes and innovative technologies.

Science Foundry works with early stage projects, providing support from development through to volume production
Early stage development
Our engineering team will help prove out your design, run smaller wafer lots under early stage development, and support your development every step of the way.
Process development
Our process design team provides robust and repeatable production processes honed through multiple development lots, allowing you to refine until you're ready to scale.
Volume production
Science Foundry will validate your processes and work with you to produce dozens to thousands of custom wafers per year.
Recent News
We deploy our broad capabilities across many industries to create a wide range of complex MEMS devices.
Biomedical & Healthcare Technology
- Neural Interface Devices
- Microneedles
- Microfluidic Chips
- Ultrasound Devices
Industrial Sensing, Control & Automation
- Inertial Sensors
- Pressure Sensors
- Gas Sensors
- Environmental Sensors
Communications & Optoelectronics
- Micro Mirrors
- Imaging Devices
- Optical Telecom Components
- Silicon Photonics
Advanced Computing & More
- Quantum Computing
- Internet of Things (IoT) Devices
- Wearables Sensors
- Your Novel MEMS Device
Our Commitment
We are ISO9001:2015 certified by Amtivo (USA) Inc. and believe a commitment to quality goes beyond mere process; our size uniquely positions us to dedicate specialized attention to each of our customers.