Collaborate with Science Corporation

This mission is so much bigger than us

Science thrives on collaboration. The modern world was shaped by generations of collaborators building on each other's advancements.

Science Corporation supports collaborators dedicated to improving the lives of people with debilitating medical conditions. By supporting a community of academic, research, and commericial collaborators, we ensure the benefits of our work are shared widely.

How Science Corporation supports collaboration

  • Preferential access

    We always try to make our technologies available at reasonable prices that faciliate both accessibility and business sustainability, but when we have shared research interests, we can sometimes offer them to collaborators at cost, or even less.

    We also can occasionally share unreleased technologies with close collaborators for development and feedback. In such cases, we ask for some brief period of confidentiality though we will always support full and open publishing of the eventual final results.

  • Enhanced support

    We can facilitate direct communication between the engineers and scientists at Science and our external collaborators. Many of the best ideas come from those interactions.

    We can't offer run-of-the-mill technical support for users of our devices and software, but expert-to-expert dialogue can sometimes be essential at achieving the best results and pushing beyond the state-of-the-art.

  • Roadmap visibility and input

    With our extensive vertically integrated infrastructure, from fabricating transistors to training complex NHP behavior, we can move quickly on complex concepts that challenge preconceptions of what's possible.

    We want to facilite the most challenging experiments that get at the deepest questions no one knows the answers to today. Have a hard problem you would love to answer that aligns with our interests? Pitch it. If we agree that answering it would help accelerate the possibilities enabled by neural engineering, we may be able to dedicate engineering resources to help.

Opportunities for partnership

If you or your team would like to collaborate with Science Corporation, utilize our technologies, or have an idea for a partnership involving any of our products and services listed below, please contact us via the form at the bottom of this page.

Applications of specific interest

  • Optogenetic tools
  • Cell engineering technologies
  • Neural interfaces
  • Genome editing technologies
  • Vision restoration technology
  • Biological & chemical sensors
  • High channel sensor arrays
  • Cell-device integration
  • Cell therapy, especially in brain disease
  • Implantables
  • Optically driven sensors

Ready to start a conversation?

Thank you for reaching out.

We will be in touch soon.