Advanced MEMS Foundry

Partner with Science Corporation to scale your prototype to production

Have a project beyond our Standard Technologies? No problem. Science Foundry works closely with customers across a wide range of industries from conceptualization to volume production to achieve the best possible results for the most advanced possible products.

Our engineers bring expertise and dedicated support to the development process to complement the wide variety of tools and capabilities available at Science Foundry. Our bespoke solutions utilize the extensive material and layer integration knowledge we've built over years including non-standard materials not typically available in CMOS foundries like gold and other noble metals, polymers, piezoelectrics, glass, quartz, III-N, and more.

Our Capabilities
Graphic showing a transition between the conceptual, line art of an electrode and the final, realized product.

Production Process Overview

Production Volume

Chart showing how production volume increases. Chart showing how production volume increases.
  1. Initial Discussion

    The customer presents their prototype and specifications to discuss process requirements.

  2. Development Runs

    We collect data, identify issues, and adjust tools as we repeat the production process at least three times.

  3. Pre-Production

    Process validation at a large scale and any final adjustments before full-scale production.

  4. Production

    Delivery of customer's device at desired volume and schedule.

More than 80 tools spanning broad capabilities

LPCVD films

Important films, deposited on both sides of the substrate, provide excellent conformal coating, high breakdown and dielectric isolation.

  • Low stress nitride

  • Low temperature oxide

  • Low stress polysilicon

  • Phosphosilicate glass (PSG)

Clean room operator inspecting the inside of a machine. A microscope with four objectives is prepared for use.

Post processing

Tools designed for soft contact can place sensitive devices on substrates or packages or subdivide a chip.

  • Dicing

  • HF liquid release

  • Critical CO2 drying


Process by which a light-sensitive polymer, called a photoresist, is exposed and developed to form 3D relief images on the substrate.

  • Contact lithography

    Negative/positive resists, SU-8 and polyimide processing

  • Projection lithography

    Negative/positive resists, SU-8 and polyimide processing

  • Backside alignment

    Negative/positive resists, SU-8 and polyimide processing

  • Polymer films

    Polymeric films are defined as thin continuous materials typically up to 200 μm (0.008 in.) thick.

    • Polyimide

    • Parylene-C

    • Backside alignment

    Dry etching

    Removal of plastic or other semiconductor material using plasma as opposed to chemical treatment.

    • DRIE


    • RIE

      Poly-Si, SiO2, SiN, Polyimide, Parylene, and more

    • Plasma cleaning

      Plasma ashing is also possible

    Efficient, software-enabled custom process development


    Metal Deposition. After devices have been fabricated in the silicon substrate, connections must be made to link the circuits together.

    • Evaporation

      Au, Cu, Ti, Cr, Pt, Ni, Al

    • Sputtering

      Cr, Au, Ti, TiW, Cu

    A stack of polished wafers are stashed vertically in organized dividers.

    Wafer bonding

    Attachment of two or more substrates or wafers to one another through a range of physical and chemical processes.

    • Fusion

    • Glass-glass

    • Silicon-glass

    • Eutectic

    • Anodic

    Currently tooled for 6 inch wafer size


    The science of measurement, embracing both experimental and theoretical determinations at any level of uncertainty.

    • SEM

    • Profilometry

    • Infrared inspection

    • Interferometry

    • Film analysis

      Film stress, thickness, or resistivity

    Wet Etching

    Material removal process that uses liquid chemicals or etchants to remove materials from a wafer.

    • Si etching


    • Wet oxide etching

      BOE, HF, HCl

    • Wet metal etching

      Au, Cr

    • Immersion cleaning

      SC1, HCL

    • Spray & solvent cleaning

    Stacks of finished product sit in neat packages.

    Thermal processing

    Temperature treatments for metal or silicon, customized to deliver specific material properties.

    • Silicon oxidation

    • Annealing

    Two operators discuss technique outside the clean room.